The Blacklight checks fact-based statements as well as rumors that could impact our communities. Whenever possible we seek out primary sources including, but not limited to: eyewitnesses, individuals mentioned in statements, organizations and their leaders, politicians, scientists, doctors and others who have an expertise in the subject matter we are investigating. We do not and cannot fact check opinions or opinion based arguments.

We never rely on one source of information but instead try to find as much accurate and independent information about the statement or issue that we are trying to verify. 

We never rely on one source of information but instead try to find as much accurate and independent information about the statement or issue that we are trying to verify.

We always show our work and explain how we know what we know and whenever possible we document our sources and provide links so that you can see the evidence for yourself.

If you would like to submit a rumor, social media post or statement to be fact checked please email If possible please include a direct link or information about where you encountered the item.