Peeling lead paint (264575)
Credit: Bart Everson/Flickr

The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) launched the newly formed Team for Enhanced Management Planning and Outreach (TEMPO) program dedicated to outreach, inspection, and remediation in NYCHA apartments where there is known or presumed lead-based paint.

The program specifically focuses on apartments with lead-based paint where a child under the age of 6 lives or routinely spends more than 10 hours per week.

TEMPO was created as part of the Initial Lead Action Plan, which was approved by the Federal Monitor in January. The program expedites lead abatement and enhances lead safety protocols during repair work that could disturb lead-based paint. TEMPO work will be conducted by teams of certified workers who follow lead-based paint protocols to keep residents safe, including restricting access to areas where paint-disturbing work is being performed.

NYCHA residents can find more information about TEMPO by going to