Thank you for your interest in contributing an Op-Ed to the New York Amsterdam News. We have a long history of publishing cutting edge commentary about the issues that impact and affect communities of color in New York, the United States and around the world and would love to add your voice to our illustrious contributors.

When you submit:

  • Please include your email and phone contact information
  • Please keep your contribution to between 500-1,200 words
  • Your submission should address an event, issue or topic that impacts communities of color in New York, the United States or the global diaspora 
  • Your submission should have a strong point of view, we want to know what you believe! Be persuasive!
  • Please make sure your Op-Ed makes fact based arguments and does not include any misinformation or disinformation nor is libelous. A good Op-Ed argues from a specific perspective but adds facts, stats and documentation to buttress your argument. Please make sure all facts you include are accurate and provide a link/source for your facts or stats
  • Address any counter arguments to the position you are taking. Making a forceful argument is not enough, you must address any potential weaknesses of the position you are taking 
  • Please add a short one or two sentence bio to the end of your contribution

Submissions that do not meet these standards will not be published.

To submit, please email a Microsoft Word document to

You can get a sense of the style of pieces and topics we publish by visiting:

By submitting an Op-Ed you confirm that you are the original author of the piece and you give the New York Amsterdam News permission to reproduce the submission in part or in full; to make changes or edits to the piece for clarity and to contact you before publication. Submission does not guarantee publication and the New York Amsterdam News is under no obligation to publish submissions it receives.