This cycle week is about having a game plan in place to magically transform all your transactions during the transits of the stars. Mars and Venus, traveling about two and a half degrees apart, open a dialogue of communications to solve situations, or connect with other groups for building. Self-awareness is self-discipline guiding you to realign your perceptions and perspectives on life equipped with tools needed to advance you to the next level. It’s a cycle where you may find yourself in a pickle in some situations, or there will be the option to rise to the occasion, and let the divine powers do their part. Utilize caution this week as people will try you. Tune into the frequency of the weather as it is conveying a message. Listen closely and carefully.

Capricorn: Unstoppable is the theme for you this cycle, to begin a new direction in your life. Make headlines and live your best life by doing things in your best interest. March is a month for you to apply the footwork and pressure while doing the behind-the-scenes work. Review all documents as structuring and organizing is part of the agenda to stay on top of your affairs. Trust the process and everything will unfold right before your very eyes. Go for the ride.

Aquarius: Put some prep in your steps and plans for this week as if the out-of-the-blue suddenly appears. It’s no biggie for you, due to you knowing that the unexpected brings joy and valuable lessons with great results. Attend to any responsibilities and commitments this month, and as a reminder, schedule time for self-care. Pamper yourself as work and family are pulling you in many directions, yet also control the narrative. Use a bit of continuing this week to build your castle. You have healing vibes written all over your face. Use the energy right as karma will play a role.

Pisces: This cycle may find you in the spotlight, constantly on the move, handling your business as well as branding and promoting yourself. Broadcasting in some shape or form this week is indicated also. People keep your name rolling off their tongue where some of it may be good or indifferent. That’s nothing to you; if people are taking note you’re doing good, as you’re expanding yourself to new levels. Your reputation and character are key this month, so position yourself as the Goddess/God within you and step into your highest version of yourself. You’re the boss because Jupiter is on your side.

Aries: A change of circumstances in your affairs is brewing up this week as to what decision you’re going to make. Heed the wake-up call before the shakeup occurs to get things in order and be in compliance with what you need to do. Listen to your intuition and seek counsel for a different perspective. Your approach is what matters as the changes occurring now are in all aspects of your relationships. They’re tugging on your emotions as things come to end as you travel down a new path. Pay attention to the signs and details.

Taurus: This cycle suggests you’re the boss, supervisor, CEO, or founder, connecting with all sorts of ethnicity and culture. Romance, travels, finance, career, and other cycles are there in balance and order as you thrive in harmony to assist in the flow of your schedule. Your wish is what the universe commands, so make it a grandiose one. You have the right attitude and approach to receive the best results now. Apply yourself and reap the rewards. A pregnancy cycle or a symbolic giving of birth to new concepts is in the forecast.

Gemini: What’s on your mind, Gemini? Envision the reality as to the outcome you desire and feel it in your heart with much feeling attached to it to make it manifest. Now get to work and watch your seed grow. Speak love, life into your vision as you go about your day. Focus goes where energy flows. Go with the ebbs and flow of life as things magically come into sight dropping pieces of the puzzle along the way to gather. Open the dialogue with the spiritual realm.

Cancer: Once you start the process or plant a seed, you have to fill in the details of what nutrients are needed to see growth during the nurturing process. This is the fun building stage of the process; a hands-on approach to your work is needed. The reason is that things may not go the way you want them initially. But actually, it goes the way it needs to for clarity. A change in your behavior will lead you to question yourself as to how you feel and why you feel such a way. Your inner self is conveying a message to you, so listen closely and carefully. Water and Air don’t always mix well, so be in tune with what’s in between to find the right answers you seek.

Leo: You’re in the spotlight networking with others to bridge the gap as you dynamically rise to your best self. Equally so, you have a get-up-and-go attitude to get it accomplished this week. The vibes are right with the will to carry out your mission as you see your own personal growth and the returns on what you personally invested late last year, or four years ago. Give it your best shot traveling to far-off places as this is indicated for this cycle. Traveling can be in your mind or may also be on your bucket list. Spend less as being thrifty comes in handy for catching great deals.

Virgo: Clear your mind and clear the air by taking a stroll through nature or a journey, just walking, running, or even exercising to shake those personal scenarios playing in your mind. Instead, address the situation at hand by bringing more simplicity into your equation. It is a great week to journal, write, record your dreams, and delve into some research. Traveling near a body of water, pond, lake, or vacation on the beach is lovely and ideal to rejuvenate your body, mind, soul.

Libra: Finances are either increasing or decreasing, depending on what you need to pay out now and what’s forthcoming. Check and review your cabinets of what you need to restock. Also, review your paperwork and contracts, including handling semi-legal matters. Do cross your t’s and dot’s your i’s and make your n’s be n’s, also your m’s be m’s as money is spelled with an M. Take a page out of your own book, mind your own business, and remember the golden rule. Otherwise, it’s a week to showcase yourself, as you’ll be quite popular this week.

Scorpio: The universe places people, things, into certain phases of your life, either to assist or pull yourself up as well. You’re a vessel to inspire, motivate, and encourage others while sharing a message, a story or even a simple conversation that can change the direction of a person’s life. Your water is boiling at the right temperature to get the job done—just don’t allow it to boil over. When that occurs, put people on notice that you’re applying pressure to yourself and others as to what’s needed to move them. Hug yourself or someone else.

Sagittarius: It’s a prominent week to meet people in high places or land a new high-level client. A show and tell, as well as a full display of your skill sets, shows the kind of week that’s on display. Make it a point to engage in outreach within your local community and help spread the word, socially and otherwise through media. Word of mouth is still popular, while the internet expedites it and makes it go viral.

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