Last week, District Council 37 endorsed the election of New York State Gov. Kathy Hochul for mayor.

“Governor Hochul stepped up when our state needed her the most and ensured that government continued to deliver services as we began to emerge out of the COVID-19 pandemic,” stated Henry Garrido, executive director, District Council 37. “She has been a champion for essential workers and has a vision for New York that empowers the middle class. DC37 is proud to support her campaign for a full term as governor of New York and stands ready to help her cross the finish line this November.”

If elected, Hochul would serve her first full term as governor following the ushering out of Andrew Cuomo.

According to DC 37’s new Political and Legislative Director Odetty Tineo, union leaders wanted to make sure that they endorsed a candidate who keeps the issues they care about at the forefront.

“The union underwent a comprehensive screening process and ultimately chose each candidate based on their commitment to a pro-worker agenda, including fighting the economic and social injustices the pandemic has exposed,” stated Tineo. “We chose these candidates with a focus on endorsing those who prioritize the issues affecting working people and their families. The Green Machine stands ready to organize and engage our membership in support of the candidates we’ve endorsed.”

So far, Hochul has survived the scandals that have surrounded her since she became the lieutenant governor under Andrew Cuomo. This includes her boss getting ousted as the result of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct allegations. It also includes her new Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin (who took her place when she moved up in rank) resigning amid federal bribery and fraud charges.

His name is off the ballot for Hochul’s primary/election run.

“Our members are dedicated essential workers on the frontlines who provide the vital services that keep New York City running 24/7,” said Garrido. “It’s critical that we elect those who share our values and are committed to providing the resources and support our members need both in the workplace and at home.”

Hochul had no problem accepting DC 37’s endorsement.

“DC37 is the backbone of New York’s municipal workforce,” said Hochul. “As governor, it’s my job to fight for the union workers who keep our state running and who are the heart of our middle class. I am so honored to earn this endorsement and partner with the hardworking members of DC37 as we continue to rebuild, moving our state forward.”

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