Rebirth of A New Nation: May is an eye-opening and jaw-dropping month. On April 8, 2024 the solar eclipse occurred exactly a month from the May 8, new moon in Taurus at 18 degrees within 7 degrees of Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, highlighting events like a highlighter. It’s a week where you’ll need to send the email with a cc and bcc for proof of actual receipt of whatever you send or submit. Information travels swiftly, further than the oceans, rivers, and lakes can hear. The weather communicates back: the rain sends its message, the air circulates into deep conversations that lead into gusty winds, wild waves, calm waves, tornadoes, storms that trigger lightning and thunder, and make the Earth quiver and tremble. The birds are chirping, and the animal and mammal kingdoms seek to have order and balance while being grounded. The Mothers and Daughters of the earth are awakening and rising like the sunrise and sunset. A quantum leap is needed to restart your energy. “May every sunrise hold more promise and every sunset hold more peace.”—Umair Siddiqui

Capricorn: Apply the footwork and network in May, a month to upgrade yourself in areas that need a tune-up and a bit of polish for shining to match the frequency of your energy. This cycle week, build the foundation to whatever it is you are working on. By doing so you gain insight and information to elevate you further on your quest. Stay focused on the vision and take a break to enjoy the amenities in life. The awkward moments that reveal themselves to you pull you by your coattails and put you on notice. Remain still to allow the information to play itself out before making a move. From May 6 around 5:42 p.m. until May 8 around 7:11 p.m., add the ingredients of gratitude, thankfulness, faith, and happiness to keep you smiling, shining, and winning on the inside about your agenda. You will meet who you need to meet and be where you need to be in divine harmony of alignment. 

Aquarius: Write the plan, and make it detailed and simple to execute. Gather your resources, even if you have to connect the dots of the old material to combine it with the new to piece it together. Now you’re cooking with gas. Sometimes it takes a moment to develop and arrange all the facts to receive a better perspective for your project and its trajectory. Follow up on your agenda for a smooth outcome. Follow up on what occurred during April 30 until May 2; those are hints of what’s leading up to May 8 around 7:20 p.m. and two days after. 

Pisces: Currently, Neptune in Pisces is tiptoeing around to give you instructions on how to play and plan your next move before Neptune retrogrades July 2 through December 7, 2024 at 29 degrees. There are folks in the background doing their part and you continue to do your part; no matter how slowly it’s moving or tight is getting you must push through like a pregnant woman giving birth. Review, revise, rearrange to stay on task to further your mission for the new upcoming growth. Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac. It’s “do, or the universe will kindly invite you to the movement forward.” For things that were formerly swept under folks’ feet and nose, the carpet is being pulled away swiftly to see the truth. From May 5 around 7:13 a.m. until May 7 around 7:07 a.m., the preparation of deja vu is in effect like the matrix. 

Aries: The seeds are planted and the growth process has begun. Now secure the foundation with a strategic plan, similar to finding a secret ingredient in the family lineage for generational wealth to continue to evolve. No time for playing games, as the north node in Aries and south node in Libra are getting closer to the initiation of new beginnings, lasting eight more months. From May 4 around 4:41 p.m. until May 6 around 5:33 p.m., get as much accomplished in the timeframe mentioned above to position yourself according to your plans. Insert the detours that occur in your life where they fit and take notes to keep you on task. 

Taurus: After a cycle has ended, it’s only the beginning of another assignment/chapter quest to navigate and learn, gaining wisdom to the next level, mission, assignment, or adventure. Life on all types of levels exists at once on earth and you do what works for you and keeps you elevated. The world you built and the people who you influence will be your supporters. Who knows where they come from? The universe has put them there to cheer you on. From May 6 around 5:42 p.m. until May 8 around 7:11 p.m., life is what you make it as it works with you on a spiritual level as you take part in the physical realm for both to connect. Take what you learn to share and help someone on their journey in life. 

Gemini: The snowball effect is in effect. In life you receive hits and take hits that later in life hit you like a curveball to help you innerstand why certain events occurred during a certain time. As you end one thing, habit, person, or place, pick up a healthier habit that will benefit you during the crossing over into the new. The details in the midst of the change will assist in making wiser choices in life. Begin planning the foundation of that new idea, and follow up on what occurred during April 30 until May 2, which are hints leading up to May 8 around 7:20 p.m. and two days after. Life has interesting turns, twists, ups and down slopes to assist you on your quest. 

Cancer: What seems like a blessing is something you already initiated a while ago that came on time for you. The Bible says in Galatians 6:7 “ a man reaps what he sows” be it good or indifferent. How connected are you to your spiritual self? Are you receiving messages? Are folks from your past showing up in ways you never imagined? There must be something that needs to be done, addressed, said, or whatever, because it’s showing up. Take it as a sign to move forward in life. From May 5 around 7:13 a.m. until May 7 around 7:07 a.m., tap into your God energy. 

Leo: Things are moving in a skyward direction. Change is great once you actually see the operation in effect after applying the necessary work to build a foundation. This is a turning point into a new direction. New levels and doors are opening to you. Choose the best opportunity that corresponds with the partnership you are building. From May 4 around 4:41 p.m. until May 6 around 5:33 p.m., everything we do is a relationship. In a relationship we have to consider a term called valuable consideration. This is not a one-way street; sometimes it happens four ways that may include a roundabout loop experience. Finances, business and personal matters get a boost this cycle. Take notes as things are happening swiftly. 

Virgo: It’s a mastermind week to create a masterpiece of your choice. You have a lot of material in your arsenal to utilize in a book form, a workshop, a PowerPoint, or to create a business etc. You are the creator of your reality. What do you want to create? From May 6 around 5:42 p.m. until May 8 around 7:11 p.m., this week, ask yourself what is your passion? That thing you naturally do? It’s a self improvement week to impress yourself on how far you can maximize your strength to do a certain task. 

Libra: March was a rebirth period of transition. April is a new cycle to give birth in a new way, a new direction leveling up on higher dimensions of thinking and operating. This week, take notes as if you are reading the small fine print in the contract. Ask when the information is not clear or when you don’t understand something. April came to teach you to be self-reliant and a bit selfish. May teaches you to have compassion. Open up a bit, cry it out, dance it out, speak out on what bothers you or has been stagnant in your energy. Look in the mirror— it tells a story of the life you are living. April 30 to May 2 contain hints of what’s to come leading up to May 8 around 7:20 p.m. and two days after. 

Scorpio: The old folks saying is true. “Where’s there’s a will, there’s a way” Where’s there’s a plan, there’s a play in action to complete the mission. Think brand new; it feels great, be it driving a new car, touching something new, entering a new home, having a new baby, getting a new job etc. Learning the functions and structure is key. From May 5 around 7:13 a.m. until May 7 around 7:07 a.m., create the newness and go with the ebbs and flows of the process to see the end result. Family obligations need your attention and TLC, but you need to put your freedom and peace of mind on the schedule. 

Sagittarius: Say it ain’t so: What is happening right before your very eyes is what occurred in your dream: Deja vu, revelations of all kinds are coming out the woodwork. Who said what? Who did what? Where is it happening? Your mind is sharp and real as the spiritual and physical plane exists. From businesses to organizations, from state to local to your neighborhood, things are developing on all levels. Focus on your agenda in the smoke of the chaos.

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